Our intuitively designed web-based trading platform lets you trade with confidence. Gain access to one-click trading, fast trade executions, real-time market data, in-depth market analysis and advanced trading tools. All exchange rates are susceptible to political instability and anticipations about the new ruling party. Political upheaval and instability can have a negative impact on a nation's economy. For example, destabilization of coalition governments in Pakistan and Thailand can negatively affect the value of their currencies. Similarly, in a country experiencing financial difficulties, the rise of a political faction that is perceived to be fiscally responsible can have the opposite effect. Also, events in one country in a region may spur positive/negative interest in a neighboring country and, in the process, affect its currency.
Implement your unique trading strategies with access to both simple and more advanced order types. Combine orders like Market, Limit, Stop or Trailing Stop with OCO (One-Cancels-the-Other) and �If done' capabilities and various order placement requirements.
Due to possible volatility that the outcome may cause to financial markets, Dukascopy will extend the weekend margin policy by a few hours into the session starting Sunday 7 May 21GMT. There is no fixed time schedule when normal margin policy is restored; it will be done without additional announcement after the election results are known and once trading activity can be considered to be normal.
In the forex trading marketplace, when we refer to execution we mean the speed at which a foreign exchange trader can actually buy or sell what they see on their screen or what they are quoted as bid/ask price over the phone. A good price makes no sense if your bank or broker cannot fill your order fast enough to get that bid/ask price.
Because Secure had no real headquarters and existed on the Internet only, an investigation would be challenging. Regulators now know that light-touch regulation was an invitation to the financial services industry to game the rules and they have responded with more intrusive supervision and hefty deterrents.
Due to possible volatility that the outcome may cause to financial markets, Dukascopy will extend the weekend margin policy by a few hours into the session starting Sunday 7 May 21GMT. There is no fixed time schedule when normal margin policy is restored; it will be done without additional announcement after the election results are known and once trading activity can be considered to be normal.
In the forex trading marketplace, when we refer to execution we mean the speed at which a foreign exchange trader can actually buy or sell what they see on their screen or what they are quoted as bid/ask price over the phone. A good price makes no sense if your bank or broker cannot fill your order fast enough to get that bid/ask price.
Because Secure had no real headquarters and existed on the Internet only, an investigation would be challenging. Regulators now know that light-touch regulation was an invitation to the financial services industry to game the rules and they have responded with more intrusive supervision and hefty deterrents.
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