The foreign exchange, or forex, market is a virtual trading place where dealers buy and sell currencies. Pip Diddy , a former super underwear and sock model and now a fundamental analysis specialist, will take you through Kindergarten where you'll learn the different ways to analyze the currency market. You can trade forex using leverage, which allows you to increase your potential profit. Please note that leveraged trading can also increase your potential loss.
This means that foreign exchange is not delivered to a person who actually buys like stock trading, FOREX trading also has day traders that purchase and sell foreign exchange same day. Thus, FOREX is not a get-rich-quick scheme as many people thought which complicates the real concept of online Forex trading.
Trading foreign exchange may result in a substantial or complete loss of funds and therefore should only be undertaken with risk capital. The definition of risk capital is funds that are not necessary to the survival or well being of the user. easy-forex� strongly recommends that a user who is considering trading foreign exchange products, read through all the main topics contained in the easy-forex� website so that he/she may obtain a clear and accurate understanding of the risks inherent to fx trading.
And to further simplify Forex trading, you could easily limit your trading to the two most liquid and widely traded pairs, the EUR/USD and the GBP/USD. This really starts to reduce demands on your time for trading activities without giving up good profit potential.
Our curriculum here at the School of Pipsology will make a bold attempt to cover all aspects of forex trading. Trade with LCG's price improvement technologies on the world's most popular trading platform, available for desktop, mobile and tablet. The Forex Market Overview page provides a quick overview of today's Forex and Currencies markets.